Tending Unready Animals on FrontierVille
Category: FrontierVille Tips | Posted: 2010-07-23 | Views: 784
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You are now able to tend "unready animals" on your neighbors FrontierVille homesteads. This new feature is very similar to watering your neighbors crops when they are not ready to be harvested. Tending unready animals is a great way for you to find items needed for specific collections.
A mule that is unready, notice the brush icon.
How To Tend Unready Animals
Tending unready animals is simple, simply click on an animal that is not hungry. Each time you tend an unready animal, an hour is reduced from the time until they are hungry again. For animals with less than one hour until they are hungry, tending them will cause them to be hungry. For example, tending an unready chicken will cause the chicken to be hungry immediately, but tending an unready horse may not cause it to be hungry.
FrontierVille Tip: If you need to tend an unready animal, but your neighbors animals are hungry you can simply feed the animal and it will become unready.
After you tend an unready animal, they have a blue glow around them.
New FrontierVille Unready Animal Goals
Several new Goals have been released that include tending unready animals. These FrontierVille goals have been listed below:
Cure The Pigs
- Tend 10 unready neighbor pigs
- Clear 7 wildflowers on your own land
- Harvest 25 apple trees on your own land
Help Neighbors Make Cheese
- Tend 3 unready neighbor cows
- Tend 5 unready neighbor goats
- Collect two cheddar cheese
Rockin Those Oxen
- Tend 10 unready neighbor oxen
- Collect two steer horns
- Collect two rope (part of flax collection)
Checking for Breakfast
- Tend 10 unready neighbor chickens
- Collect two eggs in skillet (chicken collection)
- Collect two bacon (pig collection)