FrontierVille Goal: Move Lost Sheep
Category: FrontierVille Tips | Posted: 2010-07-15 | Views: 105
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Remember your Lost Sheep? Now it is time to move her to a safe place on your homestead! Moving animals is different from moving decorations. To move your sheep you must click on the "Move Icon" in the "My Tools" menu. Then just click on the sheep and move her to an empty spot. The goal also requires you to purchase four fences, you can arrange these into a pen for your sheep.
Goal Description:
Get your sheep some place where you can keep an eye on her. You might want to build her a little pen.
Goal Tasks:
- Move your sheep.
- Own or Buy Four Fences (any type).
Goal Hint:
Use the Move and Rotate tools (inside the My Tools menu) to move and spin objects.
Goal Reward:
- 20 Food
- 10 Experience Points
- Bonus Experience for Friends
Screenshots of the Move Lost Sheep Goal on FrontierVille Tips: